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"One commandment I give you to love one another."-Christ

For the detailed weekly/monthly calendar, please click the above images.
Parish Office Administrator 
St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church
PS Kind reminder to contact the parish priest regarding your children’s participation in the Saint Sava program - January 29th.  Please bring the children to the rehearsals prior to the event.
If you have children under the age of 24, please let us know their name, age and email account by sending an email to or text/call 317-374-3414.
For those who were not able to partake of the adult lessons on our Faith, the recordings can be reached here:

Links for Typika (A service which can be done by laity (people of God) when the divine liturgy cannot be served ).

English (3rd, 6th hour,Typika)
Serbian (Typika):
Greek (3rd hour)

Greek (6th hour)

Greek (Typika)

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